2017 Finalists

Meet best brains of ukraine!


Yuliia Orlova

Loves biology and physics, thinks that neuroscience is the most perspective area of future science.

Lada Isakova

Interested in biology especially molecular biology and neurophysiology, participates in sientific olympiads and other competitions.

Marko Shyika

Loves to play violin, piano and guitar. Performs research in the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. His plans for future are related to the medicine.

Diana Nechepurenko

Participates in Olympiads in biology and physics and also performs research in the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. She plans to enter the biology program in university and concentrate on the brain research.

Oleksandra Levchenko

Studies in the Gymnasium of Biotechnology and plans to build her future career in science.

Davyd Koriahin

Studies in the Engineer Gymnasium, interested in biology and astronomy. In future wants to become the surgeon.

Maksym Nikolaenko

Loves biology and chemistry and playing guitar. Plans to become the doctor.

Anastasiia Tsymbaliuk

Interested in science and especially biology, and also languages.

Ihor Polskii

Interested in biology, physics and mathematics, loves to read books.

Yana Romaniuk

Loves to travel, to read books and to dance. But the real passion is biology. She wants to become the doctor, probably neurosurgeon.